Redefining Citizenship in the Digital Age: Understanding Smart Digital Census for Citizen's Population Data Collection and Analysis.

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Muhammad Younus, Zuly Qodir, Achmad Nurmandi, Dyah Mutiarin, Andi Luhur Prianto, Imelda Zamjanah Rahmawati, Iswadi Amiruddin, Nur Isda Khaerunnisaa, Ahmad Harakan, Nurbiah Tahir, Andi Muhammad Zachary Vhilbar


A novel idea in population data gathering is the Smart Digital Census, which makes use of cutting-edge tools like mobile computing, cloud computing, and data analytics to improve the precision and effectiveness of conventional census methods. The traditional census method can be expensive, time-consuming, and inaccurate, and on the other end, the Smart digital censuses provide a practical, affordable, and precise alternative. This paper study tries to fully comprehend the smart digital census and how it differs from conventional census techniques. We'll start by outlining what a smart digital census is and why nations ought to implement it. The significant characteristics of the smart digital census are then highlighted, including real-time data collecting, increased accuracy, and lower costs. This article also examines how the Smart Digital Census might affect other fields like corporate intelligence, policymaking, and urban planning. Finally, the comparative advantage of the smart digital census over conventional census methodologies is highlighted in the paper's results, as how it will affect future data collection and analysis. Future research directions in this area are also covered in the paper.

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Andi Luhur Prianto, Imelda Zamjanah Rahmawati, Iswadi Amiruddin, Nur Isda Khaerunnisaa, Ahmad Harakan, Nurbiah Tahir, Andi Muhammad Zachary Vhilbar, M. Y. Z. Q. A. N. D. M. (2024). Redefining Citizenship in the Digital Age: Understanding Smart Digital Census for Citizen’s Population Data Collection and Analysis. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 12(2), 01–09. Retrieved from