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Aim & Scope
"International Journal on Recent and innovation trends in computing and communication" is a monthly peer reviewed, online, open access international multi-disciplinary journal published by independent editorial board. IJRITCC primarily aims to bring out the research talent and the works done by scientists, academia, engineers, practitioners, scholars, post graduate students of engineering and science so that fellow researchers can get benefit from the research done. This journal aims to cover the scientific research in a broader sense and not just publishing a niche area of research facilitating researchers from various verticals to publish their papers. It is also aimed to provide a platform for the researchers to publish in a shorter of time enabling them to continue further.
The journal covers all Computing and communication engineering disciplines, all advanced scientific disciplines and newer research areas. IJRITCC aims to publish only quality research papers, which are peer reviewed by panel of reviewers; the journal also aims to reduce the review time considerably by adopting various measures.
The following types of papers are considered for publication:
- Original research works in the above mentioned fields
- Surveys, opinions, abstracts and essays related to engineering and science.
- Few critical review papers will be published if the author had done considerable work in that area.
Key Features
- One of the journals aiming to bring out research in both Science and engineering research with wider scope.
- Emphasizes to bring out research articles that seeks to uncover the science underlying technological advances.
- IJRITCC aims to cover all major domains including general science and engineering.
- Offering rapid review and publication, mostly the submitted papers will be published within one months.
- Online availability throughout the year enabling the user to download articles.
Related Areas
- Some of the areas covered in the journal are
- All science and engineering disciplines
- Application of scientific inventions for engineering purpose
- Advances in engineering and technology
- Any new methodology to support engineering products
- Any new area which has potential to be published in an International journal
- Areas related to computers and communication
- Advancement in technical and executive innovations
Article Submission
Authors are invited to submit their research articles, review papers properly formatted as per the author guidelines to Authors are informed to check the author guidelines clearly before submitting articles to reduce the processing time.
Frequency of Publication
IJRITCC is published as a monthly journal with twelve issues per year. Special editions are also planned subjected to the scope and need. We are also keen on publishing special issues if need and scope arises, conference articles which are peer reviewed are also welcome for possible consideration.
Article Processing
All submitted articles will be initially subjected to editorial procedures, if found suitable for publishing will be sent to reviewers for peer review. Authors are also invited to suggest at least three potential reviewers who can review their article. It is not mandatory for the editor to send the articles only to the reviewer referred by authors, it is at discretion of the editor to send articles to any reviewer of his/ her choice. Once the review process is over and the article is accepted authors will be intimated over mail about further processing.