Integrating DSS in Student Courses Management System

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Peter Paul Apuyan San Diego


Decision support system is the key of every institution for a successful decision making. This study aims to integrate a decision support system in the Computer Arts and Technological College, Inc. to avoid the waste of valuable data sources due to incorrect representations of data. With the help of data warehouse the administrator have easily drawn a conclusion based on the given data sources. To come up with the project the integration of Pentaho Data Integration tools have used in order to extract, transform and load a data into the CATC-DW. 

This project was also concern to lessen the job of the staff in the office of the institutions because through the used of the data warehouse they do not need any more to collect and merge manually the different data. This paper also concern to lessen the cost of building a data warehouse because the researcher prepared an open source tools for data integration. And lastly the paper focused on the importance of integrating DSS in the institutions. It explained the type of data sources and the previous way of decision support used by the institutions with and without DSS.

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How to Cite
Peter Paul Apuyan San Diego. (2024). Integrating DSS in Student Courses Management System. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 12(2), 614–617. Retrieved from