A Comprehensive Exploration of Privacy and Security Mechanisms in E-commerce

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Varsha Laad, Atul Duttatrya Newase


This research is all about making online shopping, or e-commerce, safer. We know that buying and selling things on the internet is easy, but we need to make sure our information stays safe. The study looks at the problems we face, like attacks that try to make websites stop working, unauthorized access to our information, and stealing or fraud. It talks about how important it is to have strong security measures to deal with these risks. It suggests different safety measures like improving how websites talk to each other using SSL/TLS, using strong encryption to protect user information, adding an extra layer of verification (Two-Factor Authentication), and making sure online transactions are secure. It also looks at protecting against specific types of attacks like SQL injection, which is when unauthorized individuals try to mess with a website's database. The study talks about how important it is for online stores to have clear privacy rules, let people shop without giving away too much personal information, and make sure payments are safe. It wants to give practical advice to online stores to make their privacy and security better. The research knows that security problems keep changing, so it says online stores should keep updating how they protect themselves. The primary inquiry it seeks to address is how to make the e-commerce experience safer for all users.

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How to Cite
Varsha Laad. (2024). A Comprehensive Exploration of Privacy and Security Mechanisms in E-commerce. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 3939–3946. Retrieved from https://www.ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10576