A Multimedia Cloud Computing Model for Combinatorial Virtual Machine Placement

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Nanasaheb Bhausaheb Kadu, Pramod Jadhav


Cloud computing, which allows users to access subscription-based services on a pay-as-you-go basis, has recently transformed IT departments. Today, a variety of media services are offered through the Internet owing to the development of multimedia cloud computing, which is based on cloud computing. However, as multimedia cloud computing spreads, it has a negative influence on greenhouse gas emissions due to its high energy consumption and raises expenses for cloud users. Therefore, while still providing consumers with the resources they require and maintaining a high level of service, multimedia cloud service providers should make every effort to consume as little energy as possible. This proposal proposes residual usage-aware (RUA) and performance-aware (PA) methods for virtual machine placement. To save energy, find a suitable host to switch off. These two techniques were merged and applied to cloud data centers in order to complete the VM consolidation process. The outcomes of the simulation demonstrate a trade-off between energy consumption and SLA violations. Additionally, during VM deployment, it can manage shifting workloads to prevent host overload, dramatically lowering SLA breaches.

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How to Cite
Pramod Jadhav, N. B. K. (2024). A Multimedia Cloud Computing Model for Combinatorial Virtual Machine Placement. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(8s), 814–821. Retrieved from https://www.ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10338