Electronic Health Record System using Blockchain Technology

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Anchala Balaraj, Sushma E


The healthcare sector is frequently known for being delicate and intricate.Individuals' sensitive information must be kept safe, secure, and protected.Blocks of the blockchain are secured and bound to each other using cryptographic principles.

By maintaining the patient at the centre of the medical ecosystem system and establishing greater security, interoperability, and privacy of stored patient records, blockchain has the potential to eradicate the problems ailing the industry and transform healthcare.

By decentralizing and encrypting health records, blockchain ensures that patient data is securely stored and tamper-proof. Additionally, blockchain can facilitate the seamless exchange of medical information between different healthcare providers, leading to better coordination of care and reduced medical errors. By leveraging Ethereum's smart contract functionality, healthcare organizations can securely store and

share patient data, ensuring its integrity and confidentiality. Moreover, Ethereum's programmable nature allows for the development of decentralized applications (DApps) that can streamline various healthcare processes, such as medical record management, supply chain tracking, and clinical trials. Overall, the integration of blockchain in the healthcare industry has the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare data is managed, ensuring privacy, security, and efficiency in patient care.

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How to Cite
Anchala Balaraj, et al. (2024). Electronic Health Record System using Blockchain Technology. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 3208–3212. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i9.9511