Street Light Controller Including Automatic Traffic Light Controller System Implementation on FPGA

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Ajaykumar Dharmireddy, G.Nirmala, I.Hemalatha, H.Sudhakar, Chakradhar Adupa


— The number of vehicles has greatly expanded over time and is continually growing. Due to traffic congestion, a sizable amount of working hours must be spent on the roads, which has an indirect negative influence on the economy and leads to preventable road accidents that end in fatalities. While metropolitan infrastructures are developing much more slowly, the number of vehicles is rising. We require a system that can successfully manage such a circumstance. A system that can efficiently manage traffic is what we call an automatic traffic control system. Moreover, a system for automatic street lights is built within. This suggested concept tries to automate traffic regulation based on density and a controller for automatic street lights that only come on at night. It detects vehicles by using IR (Infra Red) sensors in every direction. IR sensor modules for traffic lights and an LDR sensor module for streetlights provide the inputs, respectively. Verilog HDL is used to implement the solution, and Xilinx Vivado is used to simulate it. An FPGA has this suggested model pre-programmed (Field Programmable Gate Array).

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How to Cite
Ajaykumar Dharmireddy, et al. (2023). Street Light Controller Including Automatic Traffic Light Controller System Implementation on FPGA . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 3112–3116.