Immunotherapy Combinations in Cancer Treatment: Synergistic Approaches and Challenges

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Rashmi Gudur, Anand Gudur, Sanjay Thorat, Aparna Patange, C.Z. Pardeshi


Combinations of immunotherapies are at the forefront of cancer treatment innovation, providing a variety of approaches to strengthen the immune system against cancer. The synergistic potential, clinical results, and difficulties associated with combining different immunotherapies to fight cancer are examined in this study. Examined are the mechanisms that underlie synergy, including dual immune checkpoint blockage and the interaction between immune modulation and adoptive cell therapy. Challenges including toxicity control, patient selection, and cost concerns are addressed alongside important therapeutic benefits across a range of malignancies, such as extended survival and increased response rates.

Prospects for the future include personalised treatment utilising cutting-edge technology such as artificial intelligence, novel immunomodulatory drugs, and investigation of the gut-immune axis. Key tactics include integrating immunotherapy with conventional medicines and enabling medication delivery using nanotechnology. To ensure the practical translation and accessibility of these treatments, it is imperative to solve problems through collaborative efforts and strong clinical studies to validate them.

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How to Cite
Rashmi Gudur, et al. (2023). Immunotherapy Combinations in Cancer Treatment: Synergistic Approaches and Challenges. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(8), 438–444.