Letters From a Father to His Daughter: Development of Political Consciousness

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Kriti, Amir Jahan


Letters From a Father to His Daughter represent a great man's fatherly love for his daughter who through his wisdom and talent not only educates her but gave her strength to overcome all difficulties of life with courage. All these letters capture Nehru’s love for people and nature and how he tried to imbue personal and political views in her at an early age. Indira shared her father's excitement and dreams. She agreed that letters helped her to see things in perspective and she never saw an Indian problem merely as India’s problem but as an international problem. Jawaharlal Nehru was a prominent leader, antiquarian, historian and a writer. In his literary career he produced some of the milestones like A Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History, an Autobiography, and Letters from a Father to His Daughter etc. This research endeavours an analysis of Letters from a Father to His Daughter from a pedagogical point of view in order to see how at an early age he tried to imbue his personal beliefs in her and shaped her to become a leader of the masses. It is not merely a series of letters but an account of experience and thinking of Nehru.

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How to Cite
Kriti, et al. (2023). Letters From a Father to His Daughter: Development of Political Consciousness . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 3805–3817. Retrieved from https://www.ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10169